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Cast Dreams Into Reality-

A few days back I was in a meeting with my team mates where we were to be assigned to a project. The team lead initiated the talk by asking a question which was obvious to get our involvement and nap us off  from after lunch effect. He asked all of us “What are your goals?” to which almost all of us’ abrupt reply was to own our company, own a successful business and all alike answers. He chuckled and told he was expecting this answer from us.

Break your goals into three categories: Long term, Mid term and Short term. Long term goals are those goals which you want to accomplish in far future. Mid term goals are those which you want to accomplish in coming 1 to 2 years. And Short term goals are those which you want to accomplish in 2 to 3 months. We all again came up with some nice goals of having Villa, Porsche, Holidays in Switzerland Rome and a lot more. All of it was enough gullible  to wake us up and dream with open eyes. Again we rolled back to the serious talk of project. But all through this meeting I was thinking did I say it correct? Are those my Dreams or Goals. It was muddling my head.

Actually we all are dreamers by birth and so profound that we start day dreaming of those dreams which could have been real if we would have acted upon them. There is a very narrow borderline between Dream and Goal. Dreams are free. Dreams are easy too. Just a matter of imagination. They don’t provide any tangible result until acted upon them. Your dreams represent your inner desired outcome, manifesting into your reality. Very well said by James Allen

“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.”

Goals are all about action. You need goals to make the vision of your dream a reality. Goals are the outcome of a burning desire to make you on the go to achieve your dreams. Goals are bounded with deadlines unlike dream where you can dream all day night like holding a handful of sand and that too dripping slowly with time. So its a million dollar question ” How to convert your dream into reality?” Here are few suggestions which can help you achieve your goals

  1. Modularize your dream into goals and write it down:  Break your dream into smaller goals. And the best way is what my team lead was talking. Set your goals in three categories. Long term, Mid term and short term goals. After writing all your goals in these three categories you need to act on them. And here you should make daily targets by making To Do List. Analyze the progress of your target before going to bed and set the next day’s target. 
  2. Inspire yourself using power of small wins of past: My dad used to do it when I got frustrated and depressed in accomplishing my goals. He always used to tell me “That was you who performed drama on his own without anyone’s help. That was you who got ranks in class. You will outperform your past results. Keep doing your part.” And this  mere talk of my past accomplishments used to pump the oozing oxygen of energy to my blood. So my dad will not do it for me my whole life. I need to it for myself. You should inspire yourself the same way by remembering your past milestones and moving on for new ones.
  3. Learn from mistakes: Mistakes are often frustrating because we are taught in schools to avoid mistakes.So don’t take mistakes as your barrier rather they can be your teacher if you know how to take lessons from your mistakes. And most important is that you don’t need to wait for yourselves to commit the same mistake your peers have done. You should develop this art of learning from other’s mistake too.
  4. Be passionate about your goals: Striving towards your goal without passion is like a fire which slowly runs out without fuel. The passion is burning desire  to achieve your set goal. Get excited about your work and keep the child inside you alive who laughs with all his heart after winning a game.
  5. Reward yourself on accomplishments: This is really important to take good care of yourself as no other is going to do it better than you. Reward yourself big on achieving big milestones and small on small accomplishments. Small rewards can be your favorite movie with friends, your favorite songs, some chocolate for yourself( Yeah really! try it once). Big rewards can be outings with friends on weekends, buy yourself something which you have been aspiring from long time. But be just to yourself.
  6. Be prepared with contingency plans: Never forget once you have started driving Porsche of your dream on busy road you will get hurdles like buses, trucks, traffic etc. So while driving if you get all these hurdles do you stop your car and start crying. Of course Not! I know you guys are brave  :). You steer your steering surpassing and making a way ahead. So here in real life too you should have right mindset. Its all right if you get hurdles. Go ahead with your Plan B 😉

Happy goal achieving!!

My questions to you :

  • What are your goals? (This is the same same question my Lead asked. Hope you don’t make the mistake what I made. Learn from other’s mistake 🙂 )
  • How are you planning to achieve them?
  • Do you reward yourself on completing one lap ? (seriously say yes or no )
  • Do you keep a plan B ?

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